Douglas C. Schmidt
site of Douglas C. Schmidt. Research information available includes
Adaptive Communication Environment (ACE), TAO, CORBA, C++, and
patterns. -
OOPS Research Group
academic group based apparently at U. Texas. Looks like this site has
enough useful links, papers and freebies to kill a couple of hours, at
least. -
Cetus Links: Links on Objects and Components
An index of object oriented resources.
Object Technology
to object oriented technology related to modeling methodologies,
programming languages, distributed computing, patterns, frameworks,
business object, operating systems, database and other advanced topics.
(Junichi Suzuki) -
Usenet Object Oriented FAQ II
FAQ for Usenet newsgroup comp.object. It provides a quick and current
reference on available systems such as object-oriented languages, CASE,
and OODB, and to provide good references to current and relevant OO
systems, groups, texts and literature. This is the HTML-ised version of
the original FAQ. (Bob Hathaway) -
Home of E, the secure distributed object platform and scripting language for writing Capability-Based Smart Contracts.
Jeff Sutherland's Object Technology Site
Breaking news on object technology, components, business objects, and distributed computing on the Web.
OO Type Theory
Listing of information about research on type systems for object-oriented programming. (Laurent Dami)
CS2704: Course Notes
Object-oriented software design and construction notes by Dennis Kafura at Virginia Tech.
Home of ACM's annual object-oriented technical conference, with information on upcoming sessions and past conferences.
Object-oriented Internet Resources
A collection of links to object-oriented resources on the web.
Object-oriented Resources: AmbySoft Home Page
Links, white papers, book ordering and other information for object-oriented developers.
Law of Demeter
Information on this object oriented style rule which aims to limit the number of objects each object interacts with.
The Object Agency
reference sources, database issues, organizations and conferences,
programming languages, software reusability, general software
engineering, booksellers and publishers.